Saturday, January 30, 2010

kudzu who knew?

ok so it's 2am and I am on line researching herbal remedies for a problem I am having with hypertension, and I come across this artical about KUDZU. Kudzu a medicinal cure? really? I lived in Georgia as a Kid and I have to say That this particular invasive plant frankly Creeped me out. I diddn't like how it engulfed anything in it's path. Yeah Creepy invasion of the body snatchers type plant. So Imagine my suprise at reading this article:
Which states that among other things Kudzu Shows MUCH promise in helping to control the craving for alcohol and is being studied as a remedy for alcoholism. Who knew the plant we drove by and had such disdain for in Atlanta c1976 could have potentially done so much to help my father who lost two families and his life to alcoholism. huh.
Maybe people need to stop looking at this plant as such a curse and embrace the blessings that it has to bestow.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm a labrador!

Ok So this is no suprise to my friends....And yeah I love those labs. I got this quiz off Holly's Blog.

What dog breed are you? I'm a Labrador Retriever! Find out at

Friday, January 22, 2010

Finally Back to the Dye Table

Sigh-I finally made it back into the dye studio. I had some special orders to fulfill, and I have a porch full of colorful tie dyes waiting to be rinsed. The weather today was gorgeous! Sunny T-shirt weather, natural air conditioning. The perfectest day you could order. I got a lot done. I regret that I diddn't make it out to the beach to sit and enjoy the view, but I am happy with the things I did get accomplished.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

More News from Haiti Via Wendy


Aaron said I could share the following emails....

These are emails to and from John, Aaron's Haitian Planting Peace partner. Aaron was unable to make contact with him in the days after the earthquake.

Aaron and John are the same age. Many of you may remember him from the CNN Hero documentary. He is the same age as Aaron and newly married to Ruth.

My throat almost closed completely as I read this... bless his heart and the people of Haiti.

Aaron and John have a lot of work ahead of them.... physically and emotionally.

Please continue to pray for them and to share their work with friends, family, etc. They are desperately in need of money to secure housing and supplies for the many left homeless and to provide food and water for their own children.

Donations can be made to

Thank you for all of your support, love, prayers and the generous donations.

Please spread the word.

Love and peace....


PS... Aaron is now in Haiti.

--- On Thu, 1/14/10, wrote:


Subject: JOHN please contact me brother


Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 1:53 AM


you are in my prayers buddy. people told me there seeing you on cnn. i ahve araised lots of money to bring help to the people brother. please contact me on my cell 352 321 0564

love you


Helo brother,

heartbroken my brother,

I am hurt to see how people died in my heand and in the ambulance, so crazy my brother.

I am so sorry . all the kids workers and Ruth and her family are safe and so hurt. all the homes are okay except wall damage, we all move to one home, it is very unsafe now, robers are robbing people and causing more death. Prisoners are free and became so dangerous.

No bank, no Western Union, no store open, everything got paralized maybe be unti next week. We hope. I am glad I was here if I was away I don't know how I would do.

I have been so busy helping with the desater evacuated dead people and sick people in my area and delmas comunity. working day and nights my brother. unbelivable my brother.

Thank God all the kids are safe and noone hurt.

I love you and we will stay in touch.

Love from John !

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Please take a moment out of your time today if you have not already done so and make an emergency donation for Hatian EarthQuake Relief. You can donate through the White House, or I am sure a dozen other reputable sources Doctors Without Borders, American Red Cross, or My Friend Wendy Prentice Son's Charity Planting Peace. Who I Wholey and thoroughly trust as I have heard first hand accounts from his own mother's mouth about His Commitment to helping those less fortunate and his work in haiti. Please Everyone Do what you can and send light and prayer to haiti. They has suffered so much for so long now. God bless the beautiful people of Haiti.
God Speed the Rescue Workers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Blue Nikes

Ok here is my Christmas Miracle, I know a little late to relate here, but I want to share. As I mentioned earlier I diddnt feel much like christmas this year with all the hell that 2009 bought my way. On the day after Christmas My friend Tina called and prompted me to go out shopping with her, as she had some purchases to return and of course shopping is always more fun in pairs right ladies? So we went to several shops, and eneded up at Ross. I needed a new pair of tennies, and ross has good prices. So after parousing the selection I settled on a very reasonable pair of AVIAs. Happy with my selection I went to rejoin Tina in the store, and noticed a huge rack of NEW inventory being wheeled to the shoe departent. I looked at jeans and shirts and dresses for new years, ect. and decided what the heck I should go look back at the shoes again. There on the rack of 10 1/2 shoes, loe and behold were this pair of white leather nikes with the blue swoosh. Now its not like a grown woman to grab a pair of shoes off the store shelf and start hugging them and crying hysterically, even with these low prices....but thats what I did. My christmas miracle had just happened. I found Tina and explained to her the amazing event. My friend Lisa who Passed in October had an almost identical pair of Nikes on when we first met in 1982. The Nikes I picked up were the ONLY pair and happened to be in my size. They were retro styled to resemble the ones that were popular in the early 80's. A Lot of my friends have heard me describe the first day I met Lisa with her 'Blue Swoosh Nikes' on the first day of high school.  Lisa must have been listening, because I believe with all my heart she sent these shoes to me. What made me turn back to look at the rack again that day? What coincidence that the only pair happened to be in my exact size?

Now I wear them like they have super powers and that just by putting them on I can be a super hero like Lisa was! Her message to me was like a warm hug telling me to enjoy my day shopping with my great new friend.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Music I am tripping on

This is music I am tripping on right now. I love the bright harmonies, the completely digital/synthesized palate of sounds, and the clever lyrics. This is the type of music I dreamed about creating when I was a teenager. I was just a little before my time, but Its good to know that a cleverness for music and lyrics exists in this young man today.