Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hot off the press

Oh my gosh! I am having such fun with my crafts these days, some may wonder if i will ever return to the dye table.....soon I say Soon. So first off check out the two new sexy yarns I just spun up. The blue and green yarn is my Choctawhatchee Bay yarn inspired by the colors of our beautiful bay. The second is a yarn I call 'Mama Mia' I was watching the movie while I spun it up and it totally reminds me of the happy disco colors in the movie. esp the part during the credits. Pierce Brosnan in 70's disco spandex....I was laughing so hard...that one part alone makes the movie worth seeing. I imagined while watching the film that all the actors must have had a GREAT time filming this flick. And man I love Meryl Streep's singing voice. Happy Place! The First Picture above are of some cute bobby pins I have been having fun making. Inspired by my Girlfriend Holly's fun sense of style. She complaied to me that her favorite hair pin broke. That was about two years ago. I promised I would try to make her some. I have never attempted these before but the cute buttons at the store reminded me of Holly, Bright and Cheerful. So she will be getting a suprise in the mail soon. Unless she reads my blog first!