Saturday, November 7, 2009

Marie Carter!

I am excited to Share with you that we are carrying a limited line of greeting cards in our store wilddyes created by local artist. Marie Carter! Marie's pen, ink and water color style is whimiscal and unique. Dave has Commisioned her to create the art on his motorcycle dash board. I can't wait to see how it turns out. She is down at St. Simons today with Dr. Meow for their annual craft fair. She also creates fabulous art dolls, sorry no picture available. I hope to talk her into showing them at our store, or at least have her come display her work at art walk. The cards are 6.00 a piece.
They are printed on acid free card stock and are suitable for framing. Marie is available via e-mail


  1. Oh if only we were closer to your new shop! I will not give directions to the sheep- they have a baaaad habit of stealing my truck keys (a Dodge Ram of course!ha!) and taking off for their own road trips.... They want to see Holly & LA too! snicker! LOVE your artwork and will be stopping in often! Smooches from the sheep!

  2. Thanks Sandi! The Sheepies are welcome any time....;)

  3. Oh lord... now the sheep will find the shop!
    They will be the only tie dyed fruit loop eatin sheep in town. But tell them to be careful - the rednecks around here might take them for furry deer!
