Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lost Customer

To the young lady I dyed the 30a tshirt for, my family threw out your contact info while cleaning the house. please contact me through my website so I can get your tshirt to you dear.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Reasons I am glad I never became a Rock Star

People who have known me for a long time, know that for the longest time growing up and as a young adult, my dearest dream was to become a rich and famous entertainer. I was given a fair amount of vocal talent, and enjoyed performing even for large audiences. My first taste of the thrill of performance happened in 4th grade as I performed a solo for the entire pta in our christmas program Amal and the Night Visitors. I recieved my first standing ovation. I was HOOKED. Subsequent musical endevours included guitar, piano, and cello. I had just been invited to begin playing cello with the pacific youth orchestra in Newport Beach when we were forced to move, a new cello instructer was not to be found in Evergreen Colorado. My dreams were dashed again. I found my way back into the lime light though, performing with local community theatre, and soloing with the choir at school. It was a redeeming grace for an otherwise awkward socially misfit Jr. High Student. Even the popular kids would come up to me afterwards and comment on my ability. The principal himself told me I had a Bright future once after singing Bali-High in front of the entire student assembly. High school found me hitch-hicking to Denver to practice with a Blues band. I loved the adrenaline of singing through a mike with a full band playing behind me. They only reluctantly had to replace me when it became apparant that performing in clubs would bring too many legal difficulties with a minor in the band. After moving to Florida at 17 I continued trying to break into a music career, playing with 2 bands before trying to form my own band, which led me to the band my future Husband Dave was in. We were an immediate fit, my powerful voice fit right in with hard rock/heavy metal, And I looked good with 'big' hair. Every time we practiced, in my mind we were performing in a stadium to a packed house. Every performance we did play, in my mind we were LIVE at BudoKan!
Eventually after a long line of drummers, and other players coming and going, a number of disappointments, including my voice giving out to laryngitis before a Key gig, and the mishap of jumping off the stage in thigh high boots thus damaging ALL the soft tissue in both feet; I decided to hang up my microphone. I felt like the donkey who had the carrot dangleing before him just out of reach. Forever pulling the cart but never tasting that sweet juicy carrot. I shut down, musically, focused on my nursing career, and gained a ton of weight. Now days, I am happy creating tie dyes and living a different kind of creative life. I can find a lot of reasons to be greatful I never made it as a rock star:
1. I can still go to the grocery store in relative annonymity.
2. I dont have to sign autographs when I am dead tired, and have to smile when I just want to scream.
3. I have never had suffer the indignities of washed up rock star reality tv shows.
4. I have never had to spend time in rehab.
5. I have never lost an arm wrapping my sports car around a phone pole.
6. I have never had my entire stage blow down in a severe thunderstorm injuring and killing my fans.
7. and while we are on that vein, I have never had fans die trying to escape a burning night club.
8. I have never had to perform at my 'reunion' tour fat, bloated wrinkled and half the performer that I once was.
9. No weird Stalker Fans camped out on my front Lawn.
10. I havent died in a plane crash or been found in a pool of my own vomit od'd on pain killers.
I feel so much better now........

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Smart Phones

Call me old Fasioned, but I might just be the last 40 something in America without a smart phone. Maybe I am just unsusual, or the tightwad in me wont come off the 80 plus dollar a month plan fees, but I am still squeaking by with my old nokia pre paid, no bells and whistles phone. It is so old I can no longer text on it, I never really got into texting to begin with. I only pay about 200.00 a year for this phone. I still have a land line, and that suits me fine. The strange thing is, in fifth grade back in 1978 I wrote a science fiction story about a time when we would all watch tv on our wristwatches, and be able to see people we talked to on the phone. I diddn't realize at the time that I was so on the mark with this. So you would think I would be the first in line for one of these wonder phones right? but frankly all the new technology scares me a little. It took me long enough to learn about my computer, and keep up with all the updates, and security software ect....I was one of the last of my friends to hop on the facebook bandwagon, and I phones? I guess I havent been able to reconcile the need want vs expense equation with that one yet. Maybe I don't know what I am missing, Maybe my business would improve and life would become easier, but would it equal out to more than 60.00 a month worth of improvements? Maybe if I hold out long enough someone will come out with a plan that I can afford and feel good about.
Until then you can leave a message on my voice mail which I check several times a week......or email me that I check every day.