Piper Opens her gifts! She got a movie projector so we can have movies in the square...There is talk of a Monty Python-athon, and Rocky Horror Picture Show....
There were so many people, The Gallery Couldn't Hold them all, and they spilled out into the square where A Jazz Trio Entertained us all. Fabulous!
Steve Waves at me from his 'Kitchen' Which is what we have nicknamed his live demonstration Studio at Stellas. And Billy Stopped in to Wild Dyes and gave us an Impressive Sale! She picked Up Lisas psychedelic Mushroom painting, and Lisa was so excited to hear the the Illustrious Billy took it home.....There are more pictures of the event on Piper Gaffrey's Facebook Page. Even a few Pictures of me, Although not flattering ones as I am not photogenic......Like Billy ;)
Steve Waves at me from his 'Kitchen' Which is what we have nicknamed his live demonstration Studio at Stellas. And Billy Stopped in to Wild Dyes and gave us an Impressive Sale! She picked Up Lisas psychedelic Mushroom painting, and Lisa was so excited to hear the the Illustrious Billy took it home.....There are more pictures of the event on Piper Gaffrey's Facebook Page. Even a few Pictures of me, Although not flattering ones as I am not photogenic......Like Billy ;)